Music in the Distance
Live streaming event for St. Patrick's Day
March 17th, 2020
This year, St. Patrick's day gigs have generally been cancelled, wiping out a big chunk of "wages" for Culann's Hounds and many of our friends. Like Christmas is to retail, March is to Irish musicians. So we at Culann's Hounds headquarters decided to organize some of our player friends to live stream Irish music for as much of St. Patrick's Day as possible. BYOB, of course, since you'll be at your own house!
Each performer below will have their own stream (click on the word Facebook), and there you will find a link to support them. Donate, go to their website and buy something, share widely!
Join us on Facebook for live streaming all day from
Lucia Comnes in Italy Noon Pacific Facebook Event
Renee de la Prade in Germany 1 PM Pacific Facebook
Colm O'Riain solo fiddle from San Francisco 2 PM Pacific Facebook
Tricia Fairman Riley in Portland at 5 PM Pacific Facebook
Ockham's Razor in Seattle 6 PM Pacific Facebook
The Gentlemen Soldiers in Napa 7 PM Facebook
Culann's Hounds in San Francisco 7:30 PM Pacific Facebook